Sebastian Franck, The Golden Ark, Augsberg 1538, the parallels of Pagan and Christian myths

H.Barnefelt, Imagines et figurae Bibliorum, Plantin 1581 (1584)

Freda Derrick, The Ark Book, Blackie's undated c1910

"Fish" The Noah's Ark Book, Bodley Head c1910

Harold Jones, Noah and the Ark OUP my copy 1965 (1961)

Sidney Strube , Roosevelt's Ark, 1933

advertisement , Continental Can Company , FORTUNE November 1941

Rene Bresson , La Joie de Lire , undated c 1950

Lucio Lopez-Rey, West Virginia Pulp and Paper advertisement, 1948

Aaron Douglas, illustration for James Weldon Johnson, God's Trombones 1927

TREASURE COMIC 1963, Noah's ark Puzzle Picture

Comic Monologue, "THREE HA'PENCE A FOOT' illustrated by John Hassall

"Problem in Packaging" CONTINENTAL CAN 1941


HARTMANN SCHEDEL, Liber Chronicarum Nuremburg 1493

LIFE 1920 Charles Hughes, Those Long Evenings aboard the ark

Sullivant cartoon 1920, Mrs Noah adds the feminine touch

England's Miraculous Deliverence, anonymous print 1646


LOUIS FANCHER The Maxims of Noah


One of the great graphic challenges - how do you depict the entirety of the living beings saved by Noah in the Ark ? The image has to be sensible (the size of the vessel) while aiming at a comprehensive image for the discerning and often critical child. Illustrators often hint at the exasperation to come.

01 Freda Derrick, The Ark Book, Blackie, London Glasgow, undated c1905. cover and page. 23 x28cms.
02 Bryant and May, Match Manufacturers of Bow, East London, promotional card encouraging the purchase of British products. 8 x 13cms
03  American Nineteenth Century Toy Ark with a full complement of animals

04 Endpapers; from The Noah's Ark Book illustrated by FISH, verses by Margaret Lavington, The Bodley Head, London undated c.1910, 18 x 25cms.

05 advert for REO Motors of Michigan, June 1953, 18 x 23 cms, unsigned.

06 Athanasius Kircher, Arcanae ; printed in Amsterdam in 1675. a delightfully imaginative book, suitable for children. The dedicatee, Charles II of Spain was himself only 12 at the time. The folding plate with flurry of bird and processions of creatures is typical of the high standard of imagery within all of Kircher's esoteric books.

07 Oscar Laske, The Common Path to Noah, 36 x 48 cms etching, dated 1912. In the period after the 1914-18 War, Laske carried out an extensive mural on the theme of Noah for the Kalskberg War Orphanage in Austria.

08 Hermann Fechenbach, Genesis , Mowbrays, Alden Press, Oxford, 1969 . 9 cms square.

09 a detail of a coloured plate in a German Bible of 1570 printed in Nuremburg

10 Clarke Hutton, The Tale of Noah and the Flood , Puffin Picture Book, Penguin, Harmondsworth c1950 18 x 42cms.  

11 wood engraving by Bernard Solomon for Petit Bernard's The true and lyuely historye of Purtreatures of the VVoll Bible , printed in Lyons by Jean of Tournes in 1553.

THE ARK - CONSTRUCTION AND USE from the following

A01 Sebastian Franck, Die Gulden Arch (The Golden Ark), Augsberg 1538; the titlepage juxtaposes Christian Fathers and the Pagan Philosophers, as if lined up for a ceremony before a football match. The text offers parallels of Christian and Classical thought - a controversial stance for the time, and one which took much courage to articulate. The Ark stands as a metaphor for the repository of the Truth.

A02 Biblia Vulgare, Venice 1517 (courtesy of Mikkel Beg Clemmensen)

A 03 Johannes Lichtenburger, Pronosticatione in vulgare ,Venice 1511; a strange and gnomic book dedicated to prognostications but really a plea for social reforms from an obscure German monk. The text is delightfully illustrated with bold cuts, here - the Ark hitting choppy waters - its collection complete, juxtaposed with an image of Adam and Eve as the source of religious worship and foundation.

A 04 detail from a french popular print of The Deluge, c1785.

A 05 from the Cologne Chronicle , printed there in 1499 by J.Koelhoff the Younger.

A 06 from Polewinck, Fasciculus Temporum , published by Quentell in Cologne in 1481, and a speculative study of how the space might have been filled.


B 02 Genesis VII from Holbein's woodcut illustration to the Old Testament Lyons 1543

B 05 engraving after M.De Vos, The Creation of the World to the Flood , Antwerp, c1585.

B 06 from ffolkes, Drawing Cartoons, Studio, London , 1963

from the Fasciculus Temporum, published in Cologne by Gotz in 1473 circa.
a peculiar plate in a Bible printed in Basle in 1498, of the sanitary arrangements in the Ark.


A representation of the Ark in a German Bible of 1512, the image very close in drawing to the famous Malermi Bible .anon, woodcut of Noah and the Ark from Hans Burckheim's Genealogie.
Noah's Ark.




Clarke Hutton, The Tale of Noah and the Flood , Puffin Picture Book, Penguin, Harmondsworth c1950 10 x 16cms.

Hermann Fechenbach, Genesis Mowbrays, Alden Press, Oxford, 1969 - 9 cms square.
Freda Derrick, The Ark Book, Blackie, London Glasgow, undated c1905. Illustrations of the Ark. 23 x28cms.

The Maxims of Noah, by Gelett Burgess with illustrations and designs by Louis Fancher Simpkin Marshall London 1913 (1914) single pages 12 x 18 cms


Clifford Webb, The Story of Noah, F.J.Ward, London 1931 and beneath the design on the front cover of the book. Page size is 19 x 27cms.

D 04, plan for an ark, article for sale in an American Mail Order catalogue, c1975