Ten years in University accustomed me to a certain way of teaching and learning, and then a certain way of tutoring students. At the University of East Anglia, teaching as a postgraduate student, I had even taught a current Head of Department at the Art School. Studio tuition was however a different matter to the seminar system and it had to be learnt. My initial impression was of being a chaplain moving among the battle fatigued.

I could delay it no longer but went into the studios at 11am. As usual it was sparsely populated with one rather elderly student in the far corner. I sidled up to him, seized a wooden chair of the Refectory variety and straddled it like a pro.


"Morning,"I said. His face was aghast. I flattered myself he didn't see tutors that early in the morning "What are you working on? "

"I was drawing that chair..."