Lynd Ward (1905-1985) American illustrator and painter produced two Novels in Woodcut ,

GODS' MAN ....................................MADMAN'S DRUM

both published in Britain in 1930. There is some debate as to whether his graphic style merits the description KITSCH (see Susan Sontag's essay on the subject)

Row Two; ADVERTISING IMAGERY for the Oil Industry Information Centre

See also Silent Witnesses, an essay on Graphic Novels for The Space, Lincoln.

Ten Mezzotints to Erasmus' The Praise of Folly, for Limited Editions Club 1943. Courtesy of Michael T.Ricker

Illustrations to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein, New York 1934, selected wood engravings

Illustrations to Daniel Defoe,Robinson Crusoe, New York 1945, selected colour and pen/ink illustrations.

Illustrations to Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend, Heritage 1957

A Broadside with a Ward wood engraving (single) "matched up to Allen Ginsburg's Moloch. Done in 1978, it shows that Ward still 'had it' in terms of wood engraving. No small achievement for a man in his 70s." MTR 26 July 2011