Harlow Curtis of General Motors

February 1949


John McKeen of Pfizer

January 1951


RS to CM on FORTUNE's business man

TOP ROW Crawford Greenewalt, Du Pont; T.S.Petersen Standard Oil of California NOV 1948 (the first in the series); Neil McElroy, Proctor & Gamble MAY 1949.

MIDDLE Gwilym Price, Westinghouse December 1949; William Balderston of Philco June 1949; Sidney Swensrud of Gulf Oil July 1949 ; J.L.Palmer of Marshall Field

BOTTOM, Ernst Breech of Ford April 1950 ; L.I.Doan of Dow Chemical; F.M.Folsam of RCA July 1950 ; Clarence Randall, Inland Steel (and a variant) NOV 1950


The top and middle rows of examples show Steiner's approach from 1948/1949, the solid background of the boardroom as the camera concentrates on the dramatically lit tycoon face. As well as the conventional Man of Power he parades for us the Seer (gazing into some new radiant dawning light) and the goggle-eyed psychopath. In 1950 the subject is pictured against a background indicative of the Company he represents. The locale amuses and challenges the subject in ways not explored before in the business press.